


Norm was on the faculty of the Urban and Regional Planning Program at Eastern Michigan University from 1990 to 2014. He was director of the program for 17 years, and received in 1998 an "Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Technology" Award at the Ninth International Conference on College Teaching, Learning and Technology, and a "Teaching Excellence Award" in 2005 from the EMU Alumni Association.

Norm taught a wide variety of courses while at EMU, including the following: Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning, Community Development and Downtown Revitalization, Planning/Preservation Studio, History of Urban Form and Function, Transportation Geography and Planning, Introduction to Historic Preservation, Preservation Administration, Professional Practice for Planners, Planning Graphics, Cartography, World Regional Geography, and others.

He also has been an instructor in architecture and preservation courses at Penn State University and the University of Michigan College of Architecture and Urban Planning.